Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday, March 23 11:00 AM

Update by Sandy Klamert;

TIm is not doing well today. He is very swollen and his blood pressure is very low and has been very unstable. Because of this, they are not able to remove any additional fluids off his body only add fluids. He will remain on dialysis and now runs risk of being on it permanently.

He now has an ng (nasogastric) feeding tube for nutrients. He is disoriented so they have had to tie his hands down to keep him from pulling on the tube except when we are in there and can watch him.

He is in pain but they are scarce on administering pain meds because of his blood pressure instability.

Please pray for Scott and I as there are some difficult decisions ahead. His liver is now enlarged and shows further damage. He is most likely going to need further tests on that maybe going ahead with dye test even though his kidney is failed. They would have to remove the dye immediately thru dialysis but there are risks with everything given the myriad of problems he is dealing with.

We are not sure what is going on with his liver and neither are the doctors. He has normal liver labs in March 2008 and with all the abdomen CT's he had in Jan 2009 there was no mention of liver deterioration so we are really wondering how we got here and so are they.

They feel the kidney failure is secondary to whatever else is going on. They ran a bunch of cultures today trying to rule out any infection source because his white blood cell count is continuing to climb.

We are in a hard place today but we are continuing to pray and seek the Lord every step and His guidance, peace and mercy.

Today is a hard day as we are going to the funeral service of a very dear friend whose life was cut short by a brain aneurysm over spring break. She was 41 years old and leaves behind a 10 year old and a 6 year old. Please also pray for the Daly family and the days ahead.

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